Friday, May 11, 2012

Final Good Bye

Dear Audience,
Thank you for your time to take a look at my blog. I hope this was useful to you. I’m graduating on the 16th of May, this is my last day today. It has been fun to write these blogs for your concern. I will not be here, but if you have questions you could ask the Central Health District at Reveal for Real. I wish you best of luck.
Thank You

Healthy Relationships

From my own experience and from my friends most of them don’t really know what a healthy relationship looks like, even when they are in a relationship they still don’t know what a healthy relationship is like. When talking to my friends they would say they wish they would have known what a healthy relationship was before having one. Here are some tips to help you in relationship in future and present.
One thing to make sure of when you are in a relationship is both you and your partner have respect for each other. A good sign of, respect is honoring each other’s boundaries. For example, if your partner saying we are going too fast, a way you would show respect is by saying something like, “ok I respect your boundaries, and I’m sorry that I went too far.” “Would you like to do something else?” Also you need to stick with what you say in order to show respect.  A way for a partner to show respect to you is by him or her listening to you when you are saying things are going too fast, and respecting the boundaries.
Another thing to keep in mind is that trust is an important element in a relationship. Trust is when you can count on someone to be there for you, and for someone to not cheat on you. Without trust the relationship falls apart, because you would have no confidence in that person. It can lead to things like your partner asking where you are all the time or frequent texting which can annoy you. When a partner is annoyed he or she might not be easy to get along with, and can make to relationship miserable.
Respect and trust are important, but can’t happen without good communication. Communication is one of the keys to have in a good relationship. Without healthy communication the relationship can fall apart. How do you know the boundaries unless you speak up? How do you know you can trust someone without talking to them about where you stand? If something wrong in the relationship, you or your partner need to speak up so both of you can solve the problem together.
There are many other things that are important in a relationship such as support and keeping separate identities.
If you have questions or want more information post a comment or go to this link.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What do I do if I have unsafe sex or contraception fails?

While doing my internship at Central Health District, I had a friend ask me what you do if you have unsafe sex or contraception fails. Then I thought that other teens might have the same question. So, I wanted to address this in my blog.
There is this thing called emergency contraception. This is for when people have unsafe sex or their contraception fails. Emergency contraception works by preventing the fertilized ovum from attaching to the lining of the uterus. Also it prevents the sperm form fertilizing the egg or prevents or delays the egg from releasing from the ovaries. The emergency contraception should be taken as soon as possible afterwards. The sooner people get it the better it works. It’s 89% effective for up to five days. If you have miss one or more birth control pills, condom tears or comes off, or IUD comes out of place, it’s recommended that people take the emergency contraception. If you use no protection, and a pregnancy is not desired people need to take the emergency contraception. People can get emergency contraception at the Central Health District on a sliding fee scale or people can get them over the counter for $30-$60, if you are 18 years of age. Emergency contraception is meant for emergencies, and not to take place of birth control pills. There are many form of birth control more effective than emergency contraception. For more information on birth control, click on the birth control tab at