Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sexual Relationships

There are a lot of decisions that we make daily, and some have little effect and some have life changing effect. Some decisions require more thought than others. Having sex is a decision that requires some thought. Things to think about while deciding to have sex are…
               Are you comfortable having sex with your partner?
               Are you comfortable talking about sex health issues, like how many partners has your partner had in the past or present?
               What birth control methods are you going to use?
               Do you have any concerns about STDs?
If so, get you and your partner tested.
               Has your partner had screenings for STDs?
                              If so, for what STDs, and what they have done after or before the screenings?
               Do you have access to a testing place, and birth control?
               Are your emotions going to play into having sex?
                              If so, how would you feel breaking up after having sex?
               Can you trust your partner with your feelings, if your emotions are going to play into having sex?
               Are you still comfortable, and ready having sex after these questions?
Relationships are complex at times; this may not help you with all of your concerns. You can talk to your partner about having sex, or if you’re comfortable talk to a trust worthy adult or a counselor.


Hi, my name is Keri, and I’m a senior in high school at Meridian Medical Arts Charter High School. I’m going to college to study pre-med, and one day I plan to become an infectious disease doctor. While going to high school I will be an intern at Central District Health writing the Reveal for Real blog. I have an interest in reproductive health, and that is one of the reasons why I decided to intern at Central District Health.
This blog is a tool for teens and young adults to learn how to stay healthy, and to help make decisions on how to keep healthy. This is important for people to know about reproductive health, because it affects the health of others in the community and you. You may not being planning to have sex, but reproductive health is something to keep in mind for just in case. I strongly encourage you to ask questions and my comments on the blog.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Keri - R4R's Spring Intern

Hey friends,

Check out our new blog! We have a teen that will be blogging for us this semester while she interns with us! Coming up soon, an introduction to her!
